Web Designer & Video Editor

Robertson Dental

While working at Goldn LLC, I received an urgent project to recreate and launch a new website for a client. The website needed to go live within 7 days and the domain needed to be transferred as well. This was a sticky situation – I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. The website was ready in 5 days and launched on the 6th day.

  • Manually Imported 43 pages into a WordPress Environment
  • Worked with client and their domain manager to initiate the transfer of the domain to a separate account
  • Implement SSL to secure the website
  • Create a functional design from scratch and include photos provided by the client to beautify the site. Stock photos were also included where appropriate.
  • Implement site into Cloudflare & update DNS records where needed

Visit the website at https://robertsondental.com.